Blackjack as the most popular card game

From many card games such as Baccarat, Poker, for example, Blackjack is the most popular and quite understandable. The result of such game depends not only on fortune but also on skills, knowledge and strategies. Blackjack has many variations in casinos with various table rules. This game is also widely known as Twenty-one.
Main items of Blackjack
Main goal of Blackjack is to beat the total number of points that is no more or equal to 21. Surplus will lead to defeat. The more is the sum of points, the more is the value of gathered cards. Ace and 10th are considered as the most valued combination and is called Blackjack.
Requisites consist of 6 decks of 52 cards. Dealer distributed cards from device that is called "Shoe".
The quantity of gamblers is restricted by number of rectangular "boxes", drawn on the table, where bets are made.
Amount of bets varies on each table with range of: 5-100$, 25-500$, 25-1000$.
Values of cards: King, Queen, Jack have 10 point and are called 10th, ace has either 1 or 11 points, other cards have their nominal values.
Rules of Blackjack
The game begins when players made their bets on one of the "boxes". When stakes are made croupier gives two cards to players by turns and one he takes for himself. Dealer plays separately with each gamer. Player's two cards are an initial combination, which can be improved by taking more cards. The dealer will do the same, tries to improve his combination. Case when player will firs gather 21 point is considered as winning. Dealer is obliged to take cards until the amount of points will not be 17, if more, dealer loses.
Possibilities of gamers
In comparison with dealer, players have additional options such as:
- Double bet. If combination of cards has a possibility to win, gambler doubles his bet and receives one more additional card.
- Split. Two cards of equal values can be divided by the wish of player into two different combinations. In addition, player will make one more bet that is equal to the initial one.
- Insurance. If the only dealer's card in an ace, he will offer gambler to secure himself from possible blackjack. In this case, gambler should pay additional bet, which value could not exceed the half of the initial one. In case of croupier winning, he will pay gambler doubled insurance.
- Surrender. If two initial cards are not favorable, gambler has a right to quite the game.